Bachelor of Laws (Hons) Exams 2023/24 FAQ
This document serves as a reminder that in order to comply with King's Inns requirements, these exams are in-person and closed book. Please review the questions below to answer common questions in relation to this important requirement in order for your programme to qualify for the necessary exemptions.
Where are the exams for the Bachelor of Laws (Hons) modules taking place?
All Bachelor of Laws (Hons) exams in 2023/24 are taking place in person on campus. Please see the exam timetable for the exact location and time of your scheduled exams.
Are the exams for the Bachelor of Laws (Hons) modules paper based or computer based?
The exams for the Bachelor of Laws (Hons) modules are computer based. This means that you use a computer to access the exam paper on Moodle, complete an exam submission in Microsoft Word, and submit this through Moodle. The exams are scheduled in the computer labs to enable you to complete the computer-based exam.
What if the computer I am using does not work?
We encourage you to do the exam on your own laptop. There are also computers available on which you can do the exam. All these computers in the labs will be checked in advance of the exam to ensure that they are in working order. There will also be members of the IT department on standby during the exam if any difficulties are encountered.
Can I bring my own laptop to complete the exam?
Yes, it is possible to bring your own laptop. We encourage you to do this. You will need to be able to access Moodle on it so that you can access your exam paper and submit your exam answers.
Will there be invigilators in the computer lab?
Yes, there will be a number of invigilators present in each computer lab during these exams. These will monitor the exams for quality assurance purposes and are also there to help if you encounter problems.
Are the exams open book or closed book?
In order to compile with King's Inns requirements, law exams are closed book.
What does a closed book exam mean?
A closed book exam means that during the exam you can only access the exam paper and your Word document with your exam submissions. It is not permitted to access any other materials, and you cannot bring any materials in with you.
For some closed book exams (Law of Real Property, Company Law and EU Law) you will be provided with electronic copies of some relevant legislation. You are alternatively permitted to bring clean copies of this legislation into the exam with you.
Can I bring a pen and paper into the exam with me to take notes?
Yes, you are allowed to bring a pen and paper with you to take notes.
For all closed book exams the paper you bring with you should be completely blank.
Where do I leave my bag during the exam?
All students’ belongings can be left at the top of the computer lab at the start of the exam and collected there at the end of the exam.
What do I do with my mobile phone during the exam?
Throughout the duration of the exam your mobile device should be turned over with the screen facing the desk. If you intend to use a mobile device as a method of taking pictures of handwritten or supplemental materials for upload purposes, please inform your invigilator of your plans to do so before the start of the exam period.
Can I handwrite my exam?
We would strongly encourage students to type their exam answers where possible - many students who handwrite exams run out of time during the exam and as a result receive lower grades.
However, it is possible to handwrite your exam answer. This will then need to be photographed and the photographs uploaded to Moodle as your submission. Remember to write the page and question numbers on your submission clearly before photographing it.
I cannot attend my exam, what can I do?
If you cannot attend your exam, you should apply through the Student Service Desk for a deferral. There will be another opportunity to sit the exam in late July/early August. With a deferral this sitting will be treated as a first attempt. If you do not receive a deferral, this will be treated as a second attempt and your mark will be capped at 40% for the module.