News & Updates

21 April 2020 Summer Exams Progress Update

by Shane Mooney | Apr 21, 2020

It is early days since we commenced the main summer exams on Friday, but we wanted to let you know a few stats which might be reassuring for those who are yet to do their first exam, or indeed those with more exams to come! 

  • On Friday evening we had 256 students sit exams and successfully upload their finished exam answers to Moodle.

  • On Saturday morning we had 276 students complete exams.

  • On Saturday afternoon we had 338 students complete exams.

  • On Sunday morning we had 292 students complete exams.

  • On Sunday afternoon we had 272 students complete exams.

  • So far, that means an attendance and completion of exam rate of over 90%! 

That is in addition to the approx.325 students who successfully completed online exams since the first online exam on 19 March just after the College premises closed.  

Mostly things have gone really well, but some students have needed a little bit of help with uploading, or things have happened like laptops restarting in the middle of the exam, so people have needed a bit of reassurance and in some cases a little extra time to regroup. 

We have a huge team of staff on line throughout the exams, from the Exams Office, IT Team, Academic Ops, SESU, Learning Technologies Team, and more. They are there to provide help via phone and over the Moodle Chat functionality. Every interaction is tracked, and if something goes wrong, we are keeping a log and making sure it is sorted out for you. 

A few things to remember for your exam:

  • Check you know which Moodle page you are going to in advance.

  • Make a note of the Support phone number in case you need to contact us (it is on the Moodle page, but you’ll feel more confident if you have it written down near your workspace, just in case you lose connectivity).

  • Make sure to save your work as you go along, whatever type of file you intend to use to submit. Be really paranoid about this and do it too often!

  • If you run into any problems, don’t panic! Send us a message or give us a call. We are here to help! (Please don’t e-mail your lecturer as they might not see it. If your lecturer needs to be contacted the Support team will do that.)

  • If you have multiple uploads such as photos of handwritten answers to upload, help your lecturer by having a plan to keep things as clear as possible. Try to be organised, and number the questions and name your files in a logical way. (Students have been doing a really good job of embedding really clear photos of handwritten answers into documents so far.)

  • Please do remember the importance of Academic Integrity - if the work isn’t yours, there’s no point.

We are absolutely delighted that our students have had the dedication and commitment to get things off to a great start. For those who have already sat a DBS exam online - Congratulations!! Please help your fellow students by providing any advice you think would be helpful!

Here’s to the next few weeks and hoping all our students stay safe and well, while being able to see the benefit of all their hard work through a successful exam cycle.

DBS Team


Please note everyone that for those who are uploading Word or PDF files with images embedded, Urkund has been displaying some error messages because it thinks there isn’t enough information in the file. If this happens to you, please continue with your upload and check you can see the file - it is worth dropping us a note also via Chat so we can double check for you.


Exams uploaded after the submission time will be stamped as late in Moodle.