News & Updates

Student Supports Available Online

by Shane Mooney | Jun 04, 2020



This is a reminder that DBS have a full range of supports available to all students throughout the summer period. Our various teams are available to answer any questions you may have about your learning, assessments and college life. So reach out to us if you have any questions or we're even available for a quick catch up chat. 

Student Experience Team - available on Zoom between 9am-5pm each day. You can connect with the team by clicking here!

SESU (Student Engagement & Support) - You can email the SESU Team with any academic issues by clicking here!

Library Team - if you need any supports in relation to resources for your project work you can contact the library via email & they will guide your query to the relevant staff member. This is a great service available to all students while studying online.

Programme Coordinators are still available daily and you can email your coordinator directly should you have any queries.