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4 Ways to Boost Your Productivity this Exam Prep Week

by Adam Crowther | Apr 09, 2021


We are all looking for ways to boost our productivity, particularly during the exams period. The good news is that this is an achievable goal. You just have to be smart with your day and even smarter with the work that you do. Here are a few proven strategies to help you get more done in less time:

1. Plan your Exam Prep work around your bodies internal clock. This means aligning the tasks that require the most brain power with your energy peaks throughout the day. Your Circadian Rhythm is important for your performance and even your mental health too. So, cash in on this opportunity for your peak performance as a student.

2. Plan out tomorrow’s schedule tonight. When we write down what we intend to do, we are far more likely to actually do it. Keep a schedule calendar in your phone and use a written notepad for little tasks you need to scratch off throughout the day. This is valuable during exams period.

3. Develop rituals for different kinds of work. This may mean doing a certain task in a particular workspace or at a particular time of the day. Research shows that your creative and analytical work should be done when you have most energy. Save your emails and admin for when you are dealing with pockets of lower power. Make sure you divide up your tasks and do not let them merge throughout a day of study.

4. Avoid being 100% booked. This is super important during the exams period. If your calendar looks full, deliberately schedule time to do nothing. You can use this time as a buffer between meetings to tackle unexpected tasks that crop up during the day. This will also give you ‘wiggle room’ each day to destress and unwind, when and if needed. Who wants to be too busy to look after themselves, right?


Try at least one of these strategies this Exam Prep Week and take notice of any differences in your productivity. You got this!