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Where should you stay in Dublin?

by Adam Crowther | Aug 17, 2022


Dublin is a busy city to live and study in and DBS is conveniently located in the heart of the city centre. This makes for great ease of access no matter where you are living across the city.

You can choose where to stay by using the transport network or the area codes available in the images shown below. 


Searching by area code is a good place to start. Staying closer to the city centre (Dublin 2), is much more expensive, with more cheaper and convenient options being available outside the city centre (or outside of the M50 commuter belt). Anywhere outside of the M50 belt is around 45 minutes commute to the city centre and most locations are well served with transportation links. Use this image as a reference when searching and using the map function.



You can also align your searches around the transport grid shown in the image above. Dublin has a number of different modes of transport which makes it easy to get around when you are staying along one of the networks shown above. You can match up your price points with some of the areas on this map, which will help you gain focus on where is suitable for you as a student in Dublin.


With all of this information now available to you, you can now search with better confidence around Dublin and beyond. Please remember to align your price points with the locations available and use the main transport networks as a reference to finding an ideal place for you. Remember to be vigilant with your searches too and only use trusting platforms.

We have recorded a quick accommodation briefing video, which we hope will offer you some support in sourcing where to stay in Dublin. Watch our accommodation briefing here.

If you need further assistance you can email [email protected]