News & Updates

Easter Collection for the Capuchin Day Centre

by Adam Crowther | Feb 17, 2022



Dear students,


For many years DBS have generously supported a collection of non-perishable food / goods to donate to The Capuchin Day Centre. We all know for the Trojan work that this important service provides to the homeless community and those in difficult circumstances in Dublin. Read more about their great work here -


Unfortunately, due to the COVID restrictions in the last two years we were unable to make a collection and support this well-deserved charity.


Thankfully we are now able to do so again.


This Easter we ask both staff and students to join us and donate non-perishables foods / goods so these gifts can be distributed to The Day Centre directly. Through them, we can support the homeless and families who find themselves struggling on a daily basis and in getting through these exceedingly difficult times.


Dublin Business School staff has always been very generous and we would like to keep up this tradition of giving back to those who most need it.


The accounts team, who organise this collection, will be in touch with staff and students to confirm the dates and collection points for your donations. So why not start putting something aside each week until then.



List of items which can be donated to the Capuchin Day Centre:


Non-Perishable Goods: Tea, Coffee, Pasta, Tinned Foods, Cereals etc.

Treats:, Biscuits, Chocolate etc.

Toiletries: Shower Gel, Shampoo, Toothbrushes, Toothpaste

Baby Supplies: Baby Nappies, Baby Clothes etc.

Children and Adults : Socks, Underwear, T Shirts, for all ages