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Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month - June 2024

by Hamza Razaq | Jun 11, 2024

Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month is observed annually in June. The main focus is to raise awareness of the importance of mental health among men and to encourage them to speak up and seek support for their mental health issues.

Mental Health Statistics in Men:
Men are 4 times more likely to die by suicide. Men make up 80% of all suicide deaths. 
Men are less likely to seek support and are often afraid to speak up. 40% of men have never spoken about their mental health
1 in 10 men experience depression or anxiety, less than half receive treatment.
Men are 2 times more likely to develop substance use disorders compared to females 

How you can support Men’s Mental Health:

Educate yourself: Learn about the common mental health challenges faced by men and how it impacts them. Educate yourself on the signs of mental health issues and the resources available to support those that are struggling. 
Break the Stigma: Normalise the conversation by creating a safe space where men can talk openly and honestly about their mental health issues. Let them know it’s ok not to be ok.
Representation: if more men openly talk about their mental health, it will help break down the stigma that seeking support for your mental health is a sign of weakness 
Listen and Be There: Be supportive and empathetic, let them know they are not alone and you are here to listen. 

Mental health issues can affect anyone, regardless of gender and seeking support for mental health issues is not a sign of weakness; it's a sign of strength. It takes courage to acknowledge when you need help.

Useful Resources:

  • Mental health and Suicide prevention support:Samaritans

  • Suicide and self-harm prevention support: Pieta house

  • Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing: Text About It

  • Anxiety, Depression and Bipolar Disorder supports: Aware

  • Eating Disorder Support: Bodywhys

  • Support information: Spunout

For information on where to access mental health supports or Free counselling please contact [email protected]