Professional Evening Diploma
Contact Us
Students should deal directly with the Professional School regarding registration, graduation and all regulatory information, examination queries, etc. Please see contact details below:
For any academic issues, please discuss with the relevant lecturer either before the lecture or during break-time. Any difficulty in any aspect of a course should always be raised immediately so that the issue can be addressed at the earliest possible time.
Please click here to download a copy of the timetable for your course.
Exam Timetables
Please note that all ICM exams take place during the day.
Academic Impropriety
Academic impropriety and cheating includes plagiarism, forgery, collusion and any attempt, successful or not, to gain unfair advantage in the examination or assessment process.
Marks will be deducted, or no marks awarded, where it is confirmed that cheating, plagiarism or unauthorised collusion has occurred. Please refer to your Student Assessment Regulations handbook for further details.